
Posts Tagged ‘Ecology’

Scented Azaleas

Scented Azaleas


Health is a key reason to plan and enjoy the benefits of the holistic garden that can be designed to enhance the physical and mental well being of humanity. The World Health Organisation describes this as a condition of  perfect bodily, spiritual, and social well being, and not solely the absence of illness and injury.

 See learn more please go to the Ecology page.

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Painted Lady on Marigolds

Painted Lady on Marigolds

Without bees we would all starve. No joke. We would. They pollinate the crops that feed us. No pollinators = no food. It is as simple as that. Some organisations are trying to help. Southern Co-Operative Stores, whose headquarters are in Portsmouth, have installed an apiary on the roof of their offices, to breed bees. Quarr Abbey, Isle of Wight, is running Beekeeping courses.

 Without butterflies the world would be a dull place. They are also part of the ‘food chain’ for other wildlife, such as birds. Butterfly numbers have dropped by 50% in the UK to ‘endangered species’ levels. The reasons are many but mostly due to losses of wildflower meadows. Gardeners are also (unknowingly) growing modern flowers that don’t have nectar to feed the butterflies and bees. To learn more and to see what simple steps you can take to help, please go to the Ecology page.

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Dowsing is a way of finding out about things we cannot see. It is a wonderful tool and one that we can all use.You may well have heard of dowsing or `divining’ being used to find water. Dowsing is also used in the surveying of buildings and archaeological searches; in looking for oil, mineral deposits and lost objects and for the investigation of earth energies and geopathic stress.

The British Association of Dowsers  special interest groups include: Archeological, Health, Earth Energies, and a Water and Site Dowsing group. There are some 25 local groups around the country. If you are interested, try their  website www.britishdowsers.org which provides  information and details on how to join.


Village Water is the campaigning arm of the British Society of Dowsers, a UK registered charity no. 295911. One of the projects is in Munyinda in the Western Province of Zambia, Central Africa. They have the benefits of a new well installed by Village Water.

In Zambia, Central Africa, farmers have used their ingenuity and skills for many years to make the best of a tough climate and, in the Western Province, a poor sandy soil. They have learned methods of soil conditioning, such as applying roots of cassava plants, so that their only shortage now is irrigation water in the dry season, which lasts 8 months of the year. That is why wells being sunk helps them greatly, to grow food, through irrigation, and to make a living, thus providing for their families in what can be a harsh enviroment.

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Earth energies are known as Dragons in various parts of the World and encompass our amazing planet.  Author Hamish Miller has written of these in the books that he has produced over the years. One of which was co-authored with Paul Broadhurst, The Sun and the Serpent. ( Published by: Pendragon Press – 1989.)

To read more on this fascinating  ecological topic, go to the ECOLOGY page.

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